40 innovative ideas for using Google Forms in your classroom

#DitchBook Twitter chat

#DitchBook Twitter chat | Friday, January 11, 2019

40 innovative ideas for using Google Forms in your classroom

Google Forms can do so much more than provide data from a quiz or survey. How can we use Google Forms in innovative ways? Here are 40 ideas from the #Ditchbook community.

We know that Google Forms give us the ability to easily create quizzes or surveys. We can even create self-grading exams or include video or image in our forms.

But that is just scratching the surface. Google Forms can do SO much more!

How can we use this G Suite app in different and creative ways? And what add-ons are available to enhance Google Forms to make them even more useful to us and our students?

In a recent Twitter chat, moderated by Craig Klement, the #Ditchbook community shared how they are using Google Forms in new, different and exciting ways with their students.

Educators shared ideas like:

  • Daily check-ins
  • HyperDocs packaged in Google Forms
  • Games and races
  • Favorite Forms add-ons
  • BreakoutEDU digitals
  • and SO many more!

Scroll down to find 40 innovative ideas for using Google Forms in your classroom.

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  • Matt Miller says:

    Not sure why the embedded Wakelet collection isn’t displaying. Here’s a direct link to it: https://wakelet.com/wake/8fa6c1f4-d708-4ff6-8150-baf2e6c36b8c

  • Matt Miller says:

    Not sure why the embedded Wakelet collection isn’t displaying. Here’s a direct link to it: https://wakelet.com/wake/8fa6c1f4-d708-4ff6-8150-baf2e6c36b8c

  • Matt Miller says:

    Not sure why the embedded Wakelet collection isn’t displaying. Here’s a direct link to it: https://wakelet.com/wake/8fa6c1f4-d708-4ff6-8150-baf2e6c36b8c

  • Matt Miller says:

    Not sure why the embedded Wakelet collection isn’t displaying. Here’s a direct link to it: https://wakelet.com/wake/8fa6c1f4-d708-4ff6-8150-baf2e6c36b8c

  • Matt Miller says:

    Not sure why the embedded Wakelet collection isn’t displaying. Here’s a direct link to it: https://wakelet.com/wake/8fa6c1f4-d708-4ff6-8150-baf2e6c36b8c

  • NHTP says:


  • Marilyn Baez says:

    No luck scrolling. It’s too bad.

  • Elissa Penczar says:

    Still not seeing it 🙁

  • Claudia says:

    I was interested as well but don’t see it.

  • Lynette says:

    I think it still isn’t working. I’ll continue to check back.

  • Matt Miller says:

    Sorry … the embedded Wakelet collection should be scrollable but it’s not working! We’ll get on that ASAP and get it working again.

  • Herb Coleman says:

    What am I doing wrong? Your directions say “Scroll down to find 40 innovative ideas for using Google Forms in your classroom.” The Wakelet image is not hot (no link attached), the Twitter image just takes me to an image, the rest is “related links” and promos. I never see the link to the 40 ways.

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