Google Drawings is a powerful image creator, letting students make awesome products with their learning. Here are some features you might not know!
Posters. Advertisements. Graphic organizers. Comic strips. Image annotations. Flyers.
Google Drawings is like your digital poster board — or a big digital piece of paper. When students use it to create something with what they’ve learned, some very cool — and very memorable — learning can happen.
The basics of Google Drawings are in plain sight: add lines, shapes, text and images to your drawing. Edit and move them until they’re perfect.
However, some of the best features aren’t as easy to spot — unless you know what you’re looking for!
This post introduces you to five of my favorite features of Google Drawings that you may have missed.
Use these timestamps to skip forward to certain parts when you play it in the video above …
OR, you can just watch it on YouTube (click here).
1:19 — 1. Use lines to arrange items on the page perfectly.
2:52 — 2. Insert a video in a Google Drawing
4:10 — 3. Insert pre-designed diagrams.
5:46 — BONUS: Resize the canvas by grabbing the corner.
6:48 — 4. Add a gradient background.
7:27 — 5. Use word art to make titles stand out.
10:45 — BONUS: My favorite keyboard shortcut to use with Google Drawings!
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