Ditch That Textbook Templates and Resources

Ditch That Textbook Templates and Resources

Don't do the work if you don't have to.

Our templates get your students to work quickly.

Download or make a copy. Adjust as necessary. Assign to your students. Yep, that easy. 

Just click on any image below to be taken directly to that section.

Social Media Templates



Interactive Activities 

Graphic Organizers 

Lesson Plan Templates

Communication Templates

Feedback Templates 

Exit Ticket Templates 

Back to School Templates

End of Year Templates 

Make learning memorable!

Take your teaching to the next level by transforming your lessons into a memorable learning experience.

Can't get enough templates?

Neither can we.

Check out these posts with some of our best content including TONS of templates and a post that shows you how to create your own!

For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links:

Are you looking for quality, meaningful professional learning that both equips and inspires teachers?

Matt provides in-person and virtual keynotes, workshops and breakout sessions that equip, inspire and encourage teachers to create change in their classrooms. Teachers leave with loads of resources. They participate. They laugh. They see tech use and teaching in a new light. Click the link below to contact us and learn how you can bring Matt to your school or district!

Is Matt presenting near you soon? Check out his upcoming live events!
